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Here's last week's edition of the S&A Bulletin in case you've missed it!

Published Bernice on Monday, September 4, 2023 2:00 PM

Here's last week's edition of the S&A Bulletin in case you've missed it!

In case you missed Friday's edition of the S&A Bulletin, you can watch here once again. To recap, last week the topic was 'Email Marketing' which is a topic that is very close to my heart. I firmly believe that email marketing is a strong digital tool that everyone in international education should make use of especially if they are after customer retention.

In this video I give some tips on what one should look out for when creating an email marketing campaign, however, the two main messages to drive home are the fact that:

a) We should be aware of our target audience because the message that we send needs to change depending on who we are sending it to;

b) We should also segment our email lists when importing them into our email marketing software - it is very important that we send the right email to the right person and like everything else in life, there is no 'one-size-fits-all'.

Check out Friday's edition of the S&A Bulletin here!

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